School Dinner

Our School kitchen is managed by an excellent team who use fresh, high quality ingredients to provide the children with a nutritious and healthy dinner. The team are committed to providing a high quality of service to ensure the children enjoy their dinner times whilst they are at school.

The menus cycle on a three week basis. Every day the children are offered four choices which includes a vegetarian option.  A dessert is also offered every day.

A dinner menu is taken each morning and children can choose which option they would like, or will confirm if they have brought a packed lunch from home. They can decide day to day. Once a child has had a school dinner this is then added to Parent Pay.

Here is the current menu: Dinner Menus

The dinner menu will change in September 2024 and the update can be found here

You can find more information about Educaterers at

Cost of School Dinners

School Meals are free for pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. If your child is older than this a dinner will cost £2.70 per day, unless you qualify for free school meals.

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding is an extra amount of money paid directly to the school from the government for every child who meet a certain criteria, one of which is pupils eligible for a Free School Meal.

If you get any of the benefits below you can register your child for free school meals. Even if your child is in reception, year 1 or year 2 you should apply as it will provide the school with much needed additional funds. We don’t get this funding if you don’t apply. Registration is confidential, and it will not affect any other benefits you are claiming.

You can register your child for free school meals if you are entitled to any of these benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • The guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit (with an annual income of less than £7,400)
  • Both income-based and contribution-based JSA/ESA if you receive the same amount for both. You should also qualify if you receive both but the income-based amount is greater, but not if the contribution-based amount is greater.
  • Families who are awarded Child Tax Credit and have an annual income, as assessed by HMRC, not in excess of £16,190 are also eligible to claim free school meals providing there is no entitlement to Working Tax Credit (unless in respect of a 4-week ‘run-on’).

You can apply for ‘Free School Meals’ Online