Uniform Policy

Our School Uniform

Our children are proud to wear school uniform which gives them a sense of identity and pride in belonging to Cubbington C of E School. Our uniform is simple and practical and the basic uniform is available at most chain stores.

Items below that are marked with an asterisk can be ordered direct from our school supplier www.schoolshopsales.com/cubbingtonprimaryschool

  • Grey trousers, shorts, skirts, pinafore dresses
  • White or red polo shirts with or without school logo *
  • Red Sweatshirt or cardigan with or without school logo *
  • Black school shoes suitable for indoor and outdoor activities (not trainers or boots.)


  • Red fleeces, for outdoor wear only, are available to order *
  • In the summer children may wear red checked or striped dresses.

P.E. Kit

Children wear their full PE kit to school on days when they have PE lessons. 

  • Red T Shirt with or without school logo *
  • Black shorts or skort
  • Black tracksuit bottoms * or leggings
  • Footwear – Trainers are needed for PE. Gymnastics is done in bare feet.


Children in Key Stage 2 go swimming for one term each year. Information about what they need for swimming lessons will be given to you by the class teacher.


As we spend time on the Meadow all year round, it is helpful to have a pair of wellies for each child to help keep them clean. We would be grateful if you could provide a pair of wellies to keep in school. Please ensure they are clearly labelled. We do have some spare wellies in school so please speak to us if you would like us to check whether we have any in your child's size. 


Jewellery must not be worn to school. Children with pierced ears may wear studs, but in order to comply with health and safety guidance, these will need to be covered over during PE lessons.

Personal Belongings

Money and other valuables should not be brought to school, unless required for a specific activity.

Mobile phones should not be brought into school. If a child is walking home from school and you wish them to have a mobile phone for this purpose then this must be handed into the office for safe keeping at the beginning of the day and collected by the child before they leave the premises at the end of the day.

School is unable to accept responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, any valuables or personal belongings that have not been handed into the office for safe keeping.

Lost Property

Please name all articles of clothing, as a great deal of time can be wasted looking for owners of items that are not named. Lost property is displayed regularly for families to check and claim. If items are not claimed after a term they are put into the second hand clothes bank run by our PTA or recycled.